

Passion and color in Françoise Nielly's painting

If you see Françoise Nielly's painting once, you couldn’t mix it up with works of other artists. Most of her works are portraits, that created from black and white photo, interpreting in bright, aggressive and sensual manner. 


Peugeot Bike

Since its invention, the bicycle really hasn’t changed much.  Its basic components remain the same– a pair of wheels, a crank-driven drivetrain, a frame, a seat and some handlebars.  The components themselves have evolved, but the basic song has gone unchanged.  The design team at Peugeot Bikes, however, have created a bike concept so alien to our eyes that change may be on the horizion.  The Peugeot B1K Bicycle Concept takes on the traditional bike format by adding a chain-free drivetrain, removing the down tube and giving it a fierce new design that is as progressive as they come.


Kiev fairytales

AEC and WAONE, who call themselves Interesni kazki (Interesting fairytales) are some of the most original and interesting street artists in Eastern Europe. Strange graffiti began appearing in Kiev 10 years ago, and this number continues to grow. But the boys are not limited to Ukraine, their work style muralism can be seen in India, Spain, USA, Italy, Russia and Slovakia, and the list is increasingly spreading.
AEC and WAONE, які разом називаюсь себе Interesni kazki є одними з найбільш оригінальних на самобутніх вуличних художників у Cхідній Європі. Незвичні граффіті почали зявлятися у Києві 10 років тому і їхня кількість продовжує зростати. Але хлопці не обмежуються лише Україною, їхні роботи в стилі муралізм можна побачити в Індії, Іспанії, США, Італії, Росіїї та Словакії, і цей список дедалі поширюється.