

Anna Emilia Laitinen


Anna Emilia Laitinen lives in Finland and finds inspiration in weather and nature around her. Her paintings are delicate and touching, a little bit faded and somehow tranquil and calming. She built huts out of branches with friends and brother, listened to stories from tapes and drew, cut and glued paper. One summer they found Melancholy thistle flowers which we used as painting brushes.


Не вантус, не тубус, а Ребус

Дима Ребус живет в Москве, ему 24 года, он окончил Московский художественно-промышленный институт. Это все что я о нем знаю. Но главное - он потрясающе талантливый худодник с узнаваемым стилем, которому есть что сказать. 

Duke Mikhail is hiding rook under his hat
Portrait of stranger with golden tooth


Landscapes in a mysterious haze by John Lovett

John Lovett is a regular contributor to International Artist Magazine and Australian Artist Magazine. He is the author of  "Watercolor For the Fun of It - Getting Started" published by Northlight Books and "splashingPAINT" a complete 2 hour instructional DVD. He conducts workshops in Australia, USA and Europe where his informal, passionate approach has won a huge following.


Apocalypse now

По дороге на работу услышала по радио историю о том, как в России водитель отказался платить штраф, мотивируя это тем, что все равнo скоро конец света, так какой же смысл? Потом начиталась новостей об урагане Сэнди, прониклась духом предапокалиптического Нью Йорка. Для полного погружения в Судный день хороши работы Владимира Манюхина, которые являются чем-то средним между кадрами из «I am Legend» и «Сталкер». Все работы сделаны в основном с помощью Photoshop и  3ds Max на основе оригинальных фотографий. 


Passion and color in Françoise Nielly's painting

If you see Françoise Nielly's painting once, you couldn’t mix it up with works of other artists. Most of her works are portraits, that created from black and white photo, interpreting in bright, aggressive and sensual manner. 


Peugeot Bike

Since its invention, the bicycle really hasn’t changed much.  Its basic components remain the same– a pair of wheels, a crank-driven drivetrain, a frame, a seat and some handlebars.  The components themselves have evolved, but the basic song has gone unchanged.  The design team at Peugeot Bikes, however, have created a bike concept so alien to our eyes that change may be on the horizion.  The Peugeot B1K Bicycle Concept takes on the traditional bike format by adding a chain-free drivetrain, removing the down tube and giving it a fierce new design that is as progressive as they come.


Kiev fairytales

AEC and WAONE, who call themselves Interesni kazki (Interesting fairytales) are some of the most original and interesting street artists in Eastern Europe. Strange graffiti began appearing in Kiev 10 years ago, and this number continues to grow. But the boys are not limited to Ukraine, their work style muralism can be seen in India, Spain, USA, Italy, Russia and Slovakia, and the list is increasingly spreading.
AEC and WAONE, які разом називаюсь себе Interesni kazki є одними з найбільш оригінальних на самобутніх вуличних художників у Cхідній Європі. Незвичні граффіті почали зявлятися у Києві 10 років тому і їхня кількість продовжує зростати. Але хлопці не обмежуються лише Україною, їхні роботи в стилі муралізм можна побачити в Індії, Іспанії, США, Італії, Росіїї та Словакії, і цей список дедалі поширюється. 


Rock Icons Reborn As CD Mosaics


Does anyone remember the golden age of Art Attack with Neil Buchanan? The best bit of the long-running children's art show was the bit at the end when he made a picture on a huge scale using various objects. There was that picture of the Queen made up of £250,000 worth of £10 notes. It's not just fans of 'Big Art Attack' who will appreciate a recent exhibition of rock star portraits along similar lines.
TBWA Italy, a Milanese ad agency, used 6,500 CDs to create pictures of Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Michael Jackson, James Brown, and Freddie Mercury. It took artists Mirco Pagano, 29, and Moreno De Turco, 25, 200 hours and, in each case, they even used the musicians' own CDs. It makes it even cooler that it was part of a campaign against music piracy. Pagano said:

"Piracy infects and destroys music, preventing artists to succeed and become idols as in the past. Their recognition is at risk. Only original CDs allow us to understand who they are and make them universally recognisable icons. A portrait made of pirate CDs would create a non-artist.

1 Freddie Mercury - 'Too Much Love Will Kill You'

Image: TBWA
2 James Brown - 'Can't Stand Your Love'

Image: TBWA

3Jim Morrison - 'This Is The End'

Image: TBWA


Victoria’s kitchen

Victoria’s kitchen was based in West London, Kitchen can cater for events in Greater London and Victoria’s home County of Norfolk, welcoming commissions ranging from private parties and weddings to corporate hospitality and magazine work.

Victorias kitchen заснована в Лондоні, така кухня обслуговує події у Великому Лондоні і в графстві Норфолк, починаючи від приватних вечірок і весіль до корпоративних подій.


Painting on dirty cars

Рainter Scott Wade has gained popularity for his skill in turning the dust of his native Тexas, USA into the ideal material to depict detailed scenes using the rear windows of automobiles as his canvas.  Аrtist typically employs the surfaces of cars belonging to he and his wife, though he often creates intricate works of art from the grime covering the vehicles belonging to strangers. 


Ballet on the streets

The Ballerina Project is a series of photographs created by photographer  Dane Shitagi. Crafted over the span of ten years the Ballerina Project is not “dance photography” but an etching of a ballerina’s heart and emotions.


On the wave

It's whole day raining in Kiev, but I take pleasure in sun and sea depicted in the photo. Especially if it’s works of such photographers as Peter Gibney, David Beal or Tom Stockley. They have in common next things – the love of waves, surfing and everything connected with it. 


Parasite libraries in New York

When was the last time you used a phone booth? Despite cell phones being as common as clothing, rarely-used metal phones booths still exist throughout New York City, but architect John Locke has created a clever way to give them new life. Locke attached a pumpkin-orange set of shelves to an obsolete phone booth to create a mini, ultra-public library, stocked with books donated by local residents.